Walk your horse around the barrels, following the cloverleaf pattern. Look ahead to your next barrel for the first two turns, and then look towards the finish line as you circle the final barrel.
Creating a pocket will result in faster turns. Trot your horse through the barrel pattern. Continue to look ahead to the next barrel or finish line. As you begin your turn around the barrel, create a pocket on the bottom side of the barrel, or the first half of your turn around it. To find the pocket, use a wide turn around the first half of the barrel, then cut in close to the barrel as you trot away from it.
Lope to each barrel, then slow down to a trot to circle the barrels. Cue your horse to lope again when departing from one barrel and heading to the next.
Lope entirely through the cloverleaf pattern around all three barrels, and cue your horse for the proper lead in the lope in order to balance around each barrel.
Grab the saddle horn with your outside hand and use your inside hand to neck rein your horse around the barrel.