How to Halter Break Horses

Halter breaking a horse requires training a horse to be lead by a halter. If you do not train the horse, you are not able to ride the horse because he won't be able to follow your directions while riding via the movement of the halter. Halter breaking a horse gets him used to the movement of the halter and take direction. Once a horse has been broken, they will not fight the movement of the halter, which makes further training easier. This does take patience on the trainer's part.


    • 1

      Place the halter on the horse. If he resists, be patient and gentle with him, then slowly put on the halter so you do not scare him.

    • 2

      Stand on the left side of the horse. Pull on the left side of the halter guiding the horses head to the left. Repeat this until the horse does not resist. Then move to the right side and repeat guiding the horses head to the right with the halter.

    • 3

      Attach the lead to the halter just underneath the horse's chin. Use the lead to guide the horse forward then guide it backwards. Continue this until the horse does not fight your guidance.

    • 4

      Place your hand on the top of the horse's head. Apply pressure, not hard, until the horse moves its head down, then place your hand underneath the horses head and guide it upward. Repeat until the horse does not resist.

    • 5

      Guide the horse through these exercises everyday until he stops resisting the halter.