How to Raise a Jet Stallion

Jet Deck was a registered American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) stallion. Born in 1960, Jet Deck sired another great stallion, Easy Jet, who was born in 1967 and became a very renowned performance athlete and sire. The Jet bloodlines became much sought after, particularly for speed sports such as barrel and track racing. Raising a Jet stallion is no different than raising any stallion, but as the handler of a stallion, you do have to pay close attention and establish training early.

Things You'll Need

  • Nylon web halter
  • Rope halter
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      Your presence early in your young stallion's life will help you establish dominance.

      Establish your dominance. If you are raising your stallion, you are around it when it is a newborn or very young. This is the perfect time to begin imprinting. Dr. Robert Miller, considered the father of foal imprinting, emphasizes bonding a stallion with its human; submission; desensitization to frightening stimuli; and appropriate response to other stimuli, such as giving to pressure.

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      Buy a rope halter. As part of your imprinting and in dominance training, you will put a web nylon halter on your young stallion so that it accepts it easily. As the stallion -- or stud colt -- grows and you begin halter training, a rope halter will apply just the right amount of pressure on the colt with minimal pressure of your hands. This helps train the horse to respond to pressure with the last amount of force -- and helps you, the handler, maintain soft hands.

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      You can raise your stallion to be as well-mannered as any other horse if done correctly.

      Keep the stallion's attention, and pay attention to it, at all times. This is important to maintaining your "alpha" presence with the stallion. Horses are herd animals and there is a pecking order, with one dominant horse. You must always be that dominant "horse" with stallions for safety's sake. Done properly, your stallion will be as well-mannered as a gelding or mare.