How to Calm a Horse Down Quickly

Horses are beautiful animals however even when trained to be tame they can become agitated. This can create a dangerous situation for a rider or anyone around the horse. Due to this, it's important to calm the horse down quickly.


    • 1

      Identify the signs that the horse is becoming stressed. This can include restlessness, making more noise than usual or kicking hooves. Remove the stressor if you know what it is and can do so.

    • 2

      Remain calm or the horse will pick up on your energy. Do everything calmly and deliberately and leave the saddle on while not making a lot of noise.

    • 3

      Use your hands firmly without jerking on the rein and lead the horse's head so that it's straight and the head tilts downwards. The horse associates the head down with starting to lie down and sleep, which makes it easier to calm down quickly.

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      Continue to reassure the horse every step of the way especially as the stress level begins to decrease by using your voice and patting his neck. Release the rein every time your horse does what you want and apply pressure again without pulling when he does not.

    • 5

      Keep working with the horse to get her head down to below her knees. Allow the horse to lie down if she chooses to and that calms her more quickly.