Where does seaworld get their dolphins?

SeaWorld obtains its dolphins from various sources, including:

1. Stranding Rescues: SeaWorld's rescue teams respond to reports of stranded or injured dolphins along the coasts of the United States and other countries. These dolphins may be stranded due to natural events, such as storms, or human interactions, such as fishing gear entanglements or boat collisions. SeaWorld provides medical care and rehabilitation to these animals, and those that cannot be released back into the wild may become permanent residents of the park.

2. Government Permits: In some cases, SeaWorld may obtain dolphins through permits issued by government agencies, such as the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in the United States. These permits allow SeaWorld to capture healthy dolphins from the wild for research and educational purposes. The number of dolphins and the locations where they can be captured are strictly regulated to ensure the sustainable management of wild dolphin populations.

3. Ethical Aquariums: SeaWorld also works with ethical aquariums and accredited institutions to acquire dolphins that have been born and bred in captivity. These dolphins may be surplus animals or have been involved in conservation programs. By obtaining dolphins from ethical sources, SeaWorld ensures that it follows responsible practices and supports the well-being of the animals.

It's important to note that SeaWorld's dolphin acquisition practices have undergone significant changes in recent years. In 2016, the company announced that it would no longer collect dolphins from the wild for its theme parks, focusing instead on breeding and care for its existing dolphin population. SeaWorld also collaborates with conservation organizations and participates in research projects to contribute to the conservation and understanding of dolphins in the wild.