What do you see in the aquarium water under microscope?

It's impossible to say exactly what you'd see in aquarium water under a microscope without knowing more about the aquarium! It's like saying "what's in the air?" - it depends on where you are and what's around you.

However, here are some things you are likely to find in a typical aquarium water sample:

Microscopic Organisms:

* Bacteria: These are single-celled organisms that are everywhere in the environment, including aquarium water. Some are beneficial, helping to break down waste, while others can be harmful to fish.

* Algae: These are tiny plant-like organisms that can be green, brown, or red. Some are beneficial, providing food and oxygen for fish, while others can overgrow and cloud the water.

* Protozoa: These are single-celled animals that are often found in freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Some are harmless, while others can be parasites that infect fish.

* Rotifers: These are small, multicellular animals that are often found in freshwater aquariums. They are a common food source for fish.

* Copepods: These are small crustaceans that are often found in freshwater and saltwater aquariums. They are another common food source for fish.

Other Things You Might See:

* Fish waste: Fish waste can be seen as small particles of feces or urine.

* Food particles: Uneaten food can decompose and be seen under the microscope as small particles.

* Sand and gravel: These particles can be seen if they are small enough.

* Debris: Other debris, such as plant matter or algae, can also be seen.

The microscope you use will also affect what you see:

* Magnification: A low-power microscope will show larger organisms, while a high-power microscope will show smaller organisms and details.

* Type of microscope: A compound microscope will show a more detailed image than a stereo microscope.

The health of your aquarium will also affect what you see:

* A healthy aquarium: Should have a balanced ecosystem with a variety of beneficial bacteria, algae, and other organisms.

* An unhealthy aquarium: May have an overgrowth of harmful bacteria or algae, or an imbalance in the population of other organisms.

To learn more about the specific organisms in your aquarium water, you can try doing a water test or consulting with a fish expert.