What is the best Aquarium setup for a iridescent shark?

Iridescent Sharks, while commonly called sharks, are actually catfish. They are fascinating fish, but require a specific setup to thrive. Here's what you need for a happy Iridescent Shark:

Tank Size:

* Minimum: 55 gallons, but ideally 75 gallons or larger is preferred.

* They get large (up to 18 inches) and need ample swimming space.

Water Parameters:

* Temperature: 72-78°F (22-25°C)

* pH: 6.5-7.5

* Hardness: 5-15 dGH

* Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate: Keep these at 0 ppm.


* Sand or fine gravel: This is best for their sensitive barbels (whiskers).


* Lots of hiding spots: Iridescent Sharks are shy and prefer dimly lit tanks with caves, rocks, driftwood, and plants to create hiding places.

* Avoid sharp objects: They can easily injure themselves on sharp edges.

* Live plants: While they may nibble on some plants, they are generally plant-friendly.

Water Flow:

* Moderate to strong: Iridescent Sharks need a good current. Use a powerhead or filter that creates some current.


* Heavy-duty filtration: A canister filter is recommended for the amount of waste these fish produce.


* Omnivorous: Feed a varied diet including:

* Sinking pellets

* Flakes

* Frozen bloodworms

* Mysis shrimp

* Earthworms

* Small pieces of fish


* Choose carefully: Iridescent Sharks can be aggressive towards smaller, slower fish.

* Good Tankmates: Other larger, peaceful fish like other catfish species, plecos, and large loaches.

* Avoid: Small, delicate fish, and fish with long fins.

Other Important Notes:

* Cycling: Properly cycle your tank before introducing your fish.

* Regular water changes: Do 25-50% water changes weekly.

* Observe: Pay attention to your fish's behavior. They may be hiding more than usual if stressed.

* Consider a larger tank: If possible, plan to upgrade to a larger tank as your shark grows.

Remember: Iridescent Sharks are a beautiful and fascinating fish, but they need a lot of space and care. Do your research before getting one to make sure you can provide them with a healthy environment.