Example of Commensalism in an Aquarium:
The relationship between a cleaner shrimp and a fish:
* Cleaner shrimp: These shrimp actively seek out and consume parasites and dead skin from fish, providing a valuable cleaning service.
* Fish: The fish benefit from the cleaning service, as it keeps them healthy and free from parasites.
How it demonstrates commensalism:
* Positive effect on one species: The cleaner shrimp benefits from the readily available food source (parasites and dead skin) provided by the fish.
* Neutral effect on the other species: The fish does not benefit directly from the shrimp's presence beyond the cleaning service, but they are not harmed either.
This is a classic example of commensalism, where one species benefits while the other is neither harmed nor helped.
Important note: While this relationship is generally commensal, it's important to note that some cleaner shrimp might occasionally take a nibble on their fish clients. This is usually harmless, but it shows that even in commensalism, there might be a slight degree of mutual benefit.