How to Lower Saltwater Nitrites

In contrast to nitrates, which generally pose no threat to fish, nitrites can make your fish sick and can even cause them to die suddenly. Nitrites are a byproduct of ammonia, which is produced by acid and bacteria. The process of nitrogen cycling helps to convert dangerous nitrites into its safer relative, nitrate. But if your aquarium's nitrite levels are too intense and the nitrites prevail longer than the 21 days generally required for cycling, you'll need to take additional measures to lower your tank's nitrites. If you own a saltwater aquariums, there are some specific steps you can take to help lower the tank's nitrite levels.

Things You'll Need

  • Nitrite test kit
  • pH test kit
  • Water conditioner
  • Ammonia removal solution
  • Ceramic rings
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    • 1

      Test your aquarium's nitrite levels with a nitrite test kit. Use the nitrite test kit to check your progress with combating your tank's nitrite levels.

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      Use the pH kit to help guide yourself in balancing your tank's acidity. Overly acidic aquariums produce excessive amounts of ammonia, which can be converted into nitrite by bacteria present in the tank. Use an ammonia removal solution to help lower the amount of ammonia in your aquarium.

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      Decrease the amount of food you feed your fish if a noticeable amount of food is leftover after feedings. Decaying food can produce ammonia, and ammonia turns into nitrite.

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      Perform partial water changes weekly, if you don't notice a drop in the level of nitrites during your aquarium's cycling period. Replace around 5 to 10 percent of your water. Mix a water conditioner in with the new water before adding it to your tank.

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      Add ceramic rings to your aquarium to encourage the growth of good bacteria. Ceramic rings can help to breed bacteria that will feed on ammonia and nitrite. Place the rings on top of the bedding at the bottom of your tank to start growing a colony of beneficial bacteria.