How to Remove Mushroom Corals in a Reef Aquarium

Beginning and seasoned reef aquarium hobbyists alike often grow mushroom corals in their aquariums. These brightly colored aquatic organisms thrive in a typical reef aquarium environment and do not require special care. Mushroom corals reproduce quickly, to the point that they can crowd out other species. When this occurs, you should remove the excess growth as soon as possible. You can also breed additional mushroom corals by removing some from your tank and placing them in a separate tank. Removing mushroom corals requires a pair of scissors or a knife, while surgical forceps are recommended for removing larger corals.

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors or pocket knife
  • Large surgical forceps with locking blade
  • Plastic bowl
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    • 1

      Fill a plastic bowl with water from your reef aquarium if you want to breed corals from your clippings.

    • 2

      Reach into your aquarium and remove any small rocks or reef fragments that are overgrown with mushroom corals. Slice the excess corals off the rocks with a sharp pocket knife or clip them with a pair of scissors. Clip as close to the rock as possible without disturbing the rock itself. Place the clippings in the bowl of reef water if you wish to breed them. Dispose of the clippings as regular waste if you do not wish to breed them.

    • 3

      Place the rocks or fragments back into the aquarium.

    • 4

      Reach into your aquarium while holding an open pair of large surgical forceps. Close and lock the forceps around the rear of any mushroom coral that you want to remove from a larger rock.

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      Use a rolling motion to pull the forceps toward you until the mushroom coral separates from the rock. Pull the forceps and coral out of the aquarium and release the coral into the bowl of reef water or dispose of them as regular waste.

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      Pour the contents of the bowl of reef water, including all clippings, into a separate breeding tank.

    • 7

      Repeat the process every 16 weeks or whenever you either see mushroom coral overgrowth or wish to harvest mushroom coral for breeding. Mushroom coral reproduces quickly and any remaining part of a clipped mushroom coral will blossom again within approximately 16 weeks.