Tips to Keep Good Water Levels in a Cichlid Tank

Cichlids are beautiful and hearty freshwater fish that are easy to maintain in an aquarium if you provide them with proper care. Like other aquarium fish, cichlids require clean water and regular feedings. However, if you live in a dry climate, keeping the water levels up in your tank can be challenging because the water may evaporate faster than your weekly water changes can replace.
  1. Problems with Water Levels

    • Cichlids can survive with sub-optimum water quality for short periods. However, over time, the water evaporates from the aquarium and waste builds up. When this happens, the ammonia and nitrate levels in the water become dangerously high. High nitrate levels stress the cichlids and weakens their immune systems, according to Mark Phillip Smith, author of "Lake Victoria Basin Cichlids." As a result, you should change 25 percent of the water in your aquarium on a weekly basis if the cichlid population is low, or change 40 to 60 percent weekly if the population is high.

    Choosing a Tank

    • The tank that you choose has a significant affect on the water levels. Choose a tank that has a lid that fits over the top with no gaps. The lid reduces the amount of surface evaporation, especially if you have a vent or ceiling fan near the tank. You may have heard that using a tank with the lid reduces the amount of oxygen in the water, but this isn't a problem as long as you use an under-gravel filter or an outside power filter to keep the water aerated.

    Use a Humidifier

    • If you live in a dry climate and the aquarium water seems to evaporate faster than you can replace it with weekly water changes, purchase a humidifier for the room. Part of the reason why the water evaporates so quickly in dry climates is because the dry air draws in water. However, humid air draws in less water. As a result, using a humidifier can reduce the rate that the water evaporates from your aquarium. To maximize the effectiveness of the humidifier, keep the door and windows closed in the room as well to prevent the humid air from escaping.

    Add Water

    • Cichlids don't suffer from the addition of water to the tank in between water changes, so add water when you notice that the water levels are getting low. Make sure that the temperature of the added water matches the temperature of the water in the tank to avoid shocking the fish. Adding water isn't a substitute for changing the water every week, however, because adding water doesn't eliminate nitrates and ammonia from the fish waste.