How to Clean the Scum Off the Top of the Aquarium

You have a beautiful aquarium, but there is a grimy film of scum decorating the top of it. Not only does this make your aquarium look dirty, it may also harm the fish inside. Although it is unsightly, it is very common for a layer of scum to collect on top of the water in an aquarium. There are a number of different methods to remove this filth from the water and preventative measures you can take to keep it from coming back.


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      Pull a piece of blotting paper very slowly from one side of the tank to the other, as the paper will capture the scum on top of the water. Gently remove the paper when finished. You can also lay a sheet of newspaper on top of the water for a few minutes, to absorb the scum. Repeat this process until the scum is fully removed.

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      Mount a power-head inside the aquarium, to keep the water flowing. Adjust the power-head so that it is facing the surface of the water. This will give the water movement, which will keep scum from building up on top of the aquarium again.

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      Attach a surface skimming box to your protein skimmer, as using a protein skimmer alone might not be enough. The box will enable you draw in the water on the top couple of inches from the surface, where most of the protein is located.