How to Fix Murky Fish Tank Water

Murky water in a fish tank not only can affect your enjoyment of your aquarium but could also be a sign of a serious problem within the tank's environment. Factors such as too much nitrate being produced from waste material to algae growing in the tank are problems that should be identified and corrected as soon as possible. There are a number of quick fix-methods that can be employed to clear up your fish tank until the problem can be resolved.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium vacuum cleaner
  • Aquarium scraper
  • Aquarium scoop
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      Check to see if there are any dead or dying marine life or plants that may be causing the water to cloud up. Remove any marine animals or plants, as needed.

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      Reduce the amount of food that you are feeding your aquarium pets. Only feed what they can eat in a minute's time. Use an aquarium vacuum cleaner to remove any excess food or waste from the tank's substrate that isn't being picked up by your filtration system.

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      Check your filters to make sure they are functioning properly. Rinse or replace the filters, as needed.

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      Remove any algae that may be growing on the sides of the glass or in the water. Use a long-handled aquarium scraper -- which is designed to remove algae without scratching the glass or clear plastic of the aquarium. Scoop any removed algae with an aquarium scoop.

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      Perform a water change. Remove up to 30 percent of the water. Replace the removed water with conditioned water that is the same temperature as the water currently in the tank. Repeat the heightened water change weekly until the murkiness goes away, then resume a normal water change of about 15 percent of the water weekly.