How to Create a Japanese-themed Aquarium

Keeping fish gives you a chance to enjoy the beauty of nature in your own home, but it also allows you to express your creativity and style. If your home has an Oriental or Japanese theme, you can extend that look to the inside of your tank by choosing a variety of Japanese decorations to make your fish tank look its best. You can even extend that Japanese theme by choosing an assortment of fish popular in Oriental cultures.

Things You'll Need

  • Filter
  • Heater
  • Fish tank
  • Pagodas
  • Bridges
  • Bonsai tree
  • Dragon
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    • 1

      Set up your tank on a sturdy stand in a spot where you can easily reach all four sides. Place the filtration system in place, along with the heater if you need one. If you plan to extend the oriental theme by keeping goldfish or Japanese koi, you do not need a heater.

    • 2

      Add gravel to the tank and arrange artificial bamboo plants to hide the filter and heater. Making the tank look as natural as possible fits with the minimalist theme of a Japanese-style aquarium.

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      Choose the Japanese-style decorations you want to include in your Japanese-themed aquarium. Your local pet store most likely provides a variety of decorative options, including Japanese dragons, pagodas and bridges.

    • 4

      Arrange the decorations you have chosen for your aquarium in the tank. Consider the size and height of each decoration as you design your arrangements. Place the taller and larger items toward the back of the tank, with the smaller elements in the foreground.

    • 5

      Add an artificial bonsai tree to the Japanese-themed tank if you wish. A miniature bonsai tree in the foreground is a great way to complete the oriental look of the tank.