How to Attach Aquarium Moss to Driftwood

Home aquarium enthusiasts use various types of aquatic flora to provide a hospitable and desirable environment for their fish. One of these types of flora are mosses, especially willow moss and java moss, which attach short, firm roots into some substrate, usually dead wood or rocks. When adding moss to your aquarium, you'll need to fasten the loose plant to the substrate, otherwise the moss will not readily attach.


    • 1

      Put your moss in a shallow vessel with water to prevent it from drying. Take your piece of driftwood and put it in a dry, shallow vessel.

    • 2

      Cut or trim the moss with a hobby knife if it's too big or oddly shaped for the piece of driftwood you have. If the moss overlaps, those overlapping parts will die because of its inability to sink roots into the driftwood.

    • 3

      Place the moss over the driftwood and secure it, either with staples or fishing line, laid across and lengthwise and tied at the bottom. Place it in the aquarium. After a week or so, the moss should take root in the driftwood, with light green patches appearing at the edges, which indicate that the moss is growing.