How to Change Your Fish Tank Filter Cartridge

Proper filtration is important for maintaining healthy aquariums. Several models of aquarium filters are readily available for home aquariums, and while the size and shape of fish tank filters may vary, most have a replaceable filter cartridge that is simple to change. Over time, filter cartridges accumulate organic matter and loose their effectiveness in keeping the aquarium water clean. Checking the aquarium filter regularly and changing the cartridge as needed is a simple process that helps maintain a healthy aquatic environment for fish and plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Towel
  • Plastic bag
  • Filter cartridge
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      Unplug and open the aquarium filter to inspect the filter cartridge. The lifespan of a filter cartridge varies based on factors such as the size of the aquarium, number of fish, types of food offered as well as the model of the filter. Filters that are discolored and saturated with organic debris should be changed immediately.

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      Remove the filter cartridge from the filter box. Keep an old towel nearby to prevent spilling water around the aquarium since the filters are often saturated with water.

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      Place the old filter cartridge in a plastic bag and dispose of the filter. Filter cartridges that contain organic matter can generate a foul smell quickly once they are removed from the filter. Wrapping the cartridge in a plastic bag helps control the smell.

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      Rinse the new cartridge under lukewarm water to remove any loose materials before installing it in the filter.

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      Refill the water level in the filter and secure the top before turning the filter on.