How to Attach Scenery to the Back of an Aquarium

Background scenery in an aquarium serves a number of purposes. Scenery adds to the aesthetics of the aquarium, and allows the aquarist an opportunity to hide unsightly pieces of equipment, such as filter pipes, from view. The background scenery also allows hobbyists to further theme their aquarium setup. A coral reef background is appropriate for tanks that contain marine invertebrates, such as living corals and anemones, while an Amazon River background is ideal for a discus and Oscar tank. Background scenery helps relax nervous fish, as they are not exposed to viewing on all sides, and prevents unwanted algae by limiting sunlight.

Things You'll Need

  • Sheet of Styrofoam
  • Knife
  • Non-toxic 100 percent silicone sealer
  • Heat gun
  • Quikrete Mason Mix Cement
  • Quikrete Concrete Acrylic Fortifier
  • 2-inch paint brush
  • Concrete paint (optional)
  • Paint brush (optional)
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    • 1

      Cut the Styrofoam sheet to fit the rear glass pane of the aquarium.

    • 2

      Cut the piece into three smaller sections. This will make it easier to place it into aquariums that have glass braces running from front to back across the top of the aquarium.

    • 3

      Cut a number of small shapes that resemble rocks from the leftover sheet of Styrofoam. Use the non-toxic silicone sealer to glue these pieces to the three Styrofoam panels. Leave the silicone to cure for 24 hours.

    • 4

      Use a sharp knife to cut rock shapes into the three pieces of Styrofoam.

    • 5

      Use the heat gun to round off pieces of the Styrofoam.

    • 6

      Mix the Quikrete cement as per the directions and add the Quikrete Acrylic Fortifier. Continue to add water very slowly, until the mixture is runny.

    • 7

      Use a 2-inch paint brush to apply the cement mix to the front of the three Styrofoam panels. Leave the cement to cure for 24 hours.

    • 8

      Mix a second batch of Quikrete cement as per the directions and add the Quikrete Acrylic Fortifier. Add a small quantity of additional Quikrete at this point. Take the cement in your hands and smear it over the front surface of the three panels. Leave the cement to cure for 48 hours.

    • 9

      Use an aquarium safe paint to paint the front section of the three panels. Leave the paint to dry for 24 hours.

    • 10

      Apply a layer of non-toxic silicone sealer to the entire back of the three panels. Place each one against the inside back glass pane of the aquarium and leave the silicone to cure for 24 hours.