How to Troubleshoot a Tetratec PF 150

Aquarium creatures release urine and feces into their water on a continual basis. Unless removed from the water, this metabolic waste builds up to toxic levels, which will soon debilitate and eventually kill the fish. Filters are used to effectively remove waste material from aquariums and the Tetratec PF 150 incorporates mechanical, chemical and biological filter material. By understanding how the filter works and by ensuring that certain points are adhered to, aquarists will get the best service from their Tetratec PF 150 filter.

Things You'll Need

  • Tetratec PF 150
  • Aquarium thermometer
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      Make sure the adjustable intake tubes are extended down to the substrate. In this way, water is drawn from the lower areas of the aquarium and you can remove the debris and detritus that have accumulated on the gravel efficiently. Fully extending the intake tube also ensures that the water drawn into the filters is collected as far as possible from the clean water, which is returned to the tank. The intake tube can be extended up to 11 inches.

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      Adjust the outflow tubes until you have a wave-like effect on the water surface. Aquariums breathe through the surface water. Carbon dioxide, which is toxic if allowed to accumulate in the water, must be able to dissipate into the atmosphere through the surface water and life sustaining oxygen must be able to enter the water, through the surface. By agitating the water surface, you achieve both requirements.

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      Monitor the water level in the aquarium and top it up regularly. The Tetratec PF 150 processes at the rate of 150 gallons per hour (gph) and may stop operating correctly if the water level in the tank drops more than four inches below the outlet pipes. If the filter stops working, the aquarium will not be filtered or heated, since the heater sits within the body of the filter and heats the tank water as it passes over it.

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      Remove and rinse the mechanical cartridge at least once a week, or more frequently if the aquarium is overstocked and overfed. The weave on the Tetratec PF 150 is very fine and the material clogs quickly as detritus from the water is trapped in the cartridge.

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      Use a thermometer to check the aquarium temperature every few days. Since the heater is housed within the body of the Tetratec PF 150, you cannot see the glowing indicator light that indicates that the heater is operating.