Instructions for a Neptune Lunar SIM

The Neptune Lunar SIM is a device manufactured by Neptune Systems that allows Neptune AquaControllers, which also monitor and control tank conditions and simulate waves and solar cycles, to simulate realistic moon cycles for aquarium fish sensitive to lunar conditions. Moonrise and set times are designed to follow true lunar cycles. High intensity LEDs, or Light Emitting Diodes, in the device use 100 degree wide angle lenses to light the tank from above the water line.


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      Screw the Lunar Simulator on to a dry cabinet or wall to avoid water damage. Installing this device directly in your aquarium would short out the electronics.

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      Mount the device out of splash range of your aquarium, too. Be sure that the drip loops on all cords are plugged in to the Neptune Lunar SIM.

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      Mount the LED modules between 6 inches and 8 inches above the water surface in your aquarium for optimal lighting, though a distance of up to 2 inches is possible to avoid water damage.