How to Clean a Fish Tank After Resealing

Fish tanks are prone to leaks and may need to be resealed on occasion. Resealing a fish tank provides ample opportunity to give the tank a thorough cleaning. Aquarium owners must be cautious when cleaning their fish tank to prevent unsealing the cracks or causing toxicity to the aquatic creatures that reside in the tank. Fish tanks should not be cleaned for a minimum of 24 hours after the resealing process is complete. When cleaning the fish tank, take care not to remove or dislodge any of the sealant that could lead to future leaks.

Things You'll Need

  • Algae pad
  • Algae scraper or razor blade
  • Bowl
  • Bleach
  • Sifter
  • Bucket
  • Vinegar
  • Towel
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    • 1

      Clean the inside glass of the fish tank with an algae pad. Purchase an algae pad from a pet store. Algae pads sold in the household department of many stores may contain soaps or chemicals that can be lethal to your fish.

    • 2

      Remove stubborn residue stuck to the sides of the glass with an algae scraper or razor blade. Be cautious when scraping around the new seal of the tank. Use a plastic scraper on acrylic fish tanks to avoid scratching the glass.

    • 3

      Prepare a bowl with one part bleach and nine parts warm water. Emerge the contents of the fish tank, including rocks and plastic plants, in the bleach mixture for 15 minutes. Scrub any remaining algae or residue with the algae pad.

    • 4

      Place a sifter over the opening of a bucket. Pour the gravel onto the sifter and spread it out. Pour water over the gravel until the water runs clear. Several washings may be required to fully clean the gravel.

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      Clean the outside of the fish tank, the hood, light and tank top with white distilled vinegar. Avoid using standard cleaning products because these contain chemicals that can be toxic to aquatic creatures in the fish tank.

    • 6

      Rinse the fish tank and all accessories thoroughly. Dry the inside and outside of the fish tank with a clean towel. Smooth out the gravel on the bottom of the tank. Return the plants, rocks and other accessories to the fish tank.