How to Set Lunar Aqua Lights

Many species of exotic fish require specific forms of light; lights like Coralife Lunar Aqua Lights mimic light conditions found in the fishes' native habitats and waters. These hood style lights mount over the tank and have a range of light settings and lumen powers. In addition, the lights' adjustable pivots let you direct the main light beams. Have information on the light needs of the fish you keep before setting and adjusting the Lunar Aqua Lights.


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      Set the mount-brackets on the edge of the fish tank. The lights are made to go on lengthwise, with the mount-brackets on the short ends of the tank.

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      Point the directional blue-moon lights towards static objects in the tanks. These bulbs simulate moonlight into the tank, handy for species that are active at night. There are pivot lights along the outer lengthwise edge of the Lunar Aqua Lights.

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      Plug or unplug the light cord, depending on how much light you want to come into the tank. Setting and adjusting the lights is done through the "plug and play" feature. Be sure to push the cord out of the way of the water when not in use.

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      Push the "On/Off" switch to "On" once you have plugged in the cords and adjusted the blue-moon pivot lights.