How Does Willow Moss Affect Fish?

Willow moss adds to the aesthetic character of an aquarium, and serves as both shelter and food for fresh water fishes. Willow moss also removes organic nutrients from the water, thereby improving water quality, and it is used by select fish species during spawning. This moss is hardy in a well-maintained aquarium and proves easy to grow.
  1. Aesthetic Value

    • Willow moss creates a highly attractive carpet effect, particularly when planted in the foreground of an aquarium. This moss can also be used to fill open areas around pieces of driftwood and rocks. Willow moss can be planted in the center of an aquarium, where it immediately gives the impression of vast, open spaces. Used in this way, willow moss creates a natural feel and a sense of depth in the aquarium. Willow moss allows the aquarist to create a hierarchical decor structure, by retaining an undergrowthlike appearance. Short plants are typically planted behind the low-growing moss, with tall and impressive plant species being placed toward the back of the aquarium.

    Removes Carbon Dioxide

    • Willow moss produces life giving oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the aquarium water. This moss uses carbon dioxide in the presence of light to photosynthesize. Excess amounts of carbon dioxide are toxic to fish. Fish are not able to release carbon dioxide from their blood if it builds up in the water. The oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood therefore decreases and fish can suffocate in extreme cases. By both producing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide, willow moss is a valuable addition to a fresh water aquarium.

    Utilizes Organic Waste

    • Willow moss utilizes the metabolic waste from fishes as a nutrient and thereby removes toxic products from the water. Fish release urine and feces on a continual basis, and this organic waste becomes highly toxic as it accumulates in the water. Ammonia, even in trace amounts, will quickly kill fish, while nitrite is almost as toxic. Both these products of metabolic waste are effectively removed from the water by willow moss on an ongoing basis.

    Spawning Sites and Food Source

    • Willow moss provides herbivorous fish species with a readily available source of forage material. This moss is also used by select fish species during their spawning ritual. Dwarf puffers will mate within or under willow moss, which is an ideal medium to which the eggs of fish can adhere. Newly hatched fry sheltered in the moss are protected from predation by adult fish in a community aquarium.