How to Get Rid of Bacteria in an Aquarium

Over time, the bacteria produced by waste from fish and unfiltered water can build up in your aquarium. If not kept clean, this can cause harm to your fish. Cleaning your aquarium will not take long if you are vigilant with maintenance. Keeping the bacteria level down and keeping a clean tank will ensure that your fish live long, healthy lives.

Things You'll Need

  • Algae scraper or tank brush
  • Bleach
  • Siphon
  • Bucket
  • Gloves
  • Glass cleaner
  • Towels (paper and bath)
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      Use your algae pad or brush to scrape down the inside walls of the fish tank.

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      Remove any items in the tank that have built-up algae residue. Rocks, decorations and plants will build-up algae if not cleaned regularly. Clean these items with your algae pad. Do not use soap and water, as the residue can be harmful to your fish. For items that need a thorough cleaning, soak the item in a 10 percent bleach solution. Rinse thoroughly when done.

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      Use a water siphon to clean the debris from the rocks at the bottom of the tank. Sediment will be filtered up through the siphon and out of the water into your bucket.

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      Clean the outside of the tank with a vinegar solution. Do not use chemical solutions or soap for cleaning, as these may enter the water and harm the fish. Rinse thoroughly when done.

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      After a few weeks have gone by, clean the filter. Do not do both on the same day, as the bacteria on the filter need time to adjust to the cleaner items inside the tank.