The Life Span of Red Cherry Shrimp

Red cherry shrimp can make a colorful addition to a home aquarium. They typically live for a couple of years, and if they receive proper care, they can enjoy an active and peaceful life. They are easy to take care of, making them a great starter pet for younger children.
  1. Origins

    • Red cherry shrimp are not found in the wild, where their coloring would make them easy prey. They are a variety of the Neocaridina heteropoda shrimp, which does exist in the wild but not in the red color variety. Native to Asia, Neocaridina heteropoda shrimp are typically a greenish-gray or brown color. Red cherry shrimp are a hybrid shrimp. Necocaridna heteropoda shrimp were selectively bred to create them. This first occurred in Germany, and the red version became popular in the U.S. in the late 1990s.


    • If male and female red cherry shrimp are put together in an aquarium, they will breed. Female red cherry shrimp are larger and more colorful than the male versions. Females can reach about an inch in size, while males grow to around half an inch. Males are clear in color with red spots, while females are red in color. The gestation period is about 30 days and the female will develop a saddle, which is where the egg is developing.


    • Red cherry shrimp will live a peaceful and quiet life. They normally live between 1 and 2 years. They spend most of their time grazing on plants and eating algae or other food. They are compatible with any other type of nonaggressive dwarf shrimp. They are active most of the time and will go into hiding only when they are molting.


    • For red cherry shrimp to breed and live their maximum life span, certain conditions are required. They must live in a tank that is predator free and has a temperature range of 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, with 75 being ideal. They are omnivores, making them easy to feed. However, copper --- a common element in many aquarium medications --- is toxic to them. If medication is ever needed, ensure it doesn't contain copper.