Here's why:
* Space: A 10-gallon aquarium is far too small for even a single mouse to live comfortably. Mice need space to move around, play, and explore.
* Health: Confining a mouse to such a small space would be incredibly stressful and could lead to health problems.
* Ethical Concerns: Keeping an animal in such cramped conditions is considered unethical and cruel.
If you're interested in caring for mice, here's what you should know:
* Cage Size: Mice need a cage that is at least 10 gallons per mouse, and larger is always better.
* Enrichment: Provide your mice with plenty of toys, tunnels, and other enrichment items to keep them stimulated and happy.
* Socialization: Most mice are social animals and do best in pairs or small groups.
Remember: It's important to research the specific needs of any animal before bringing them home.