How to Grow Plants on Driftwood Aquariums

Aquarists use pieces of driftwood in an aquarium for decorative purposes. Driftwood leaches tannins which stains the water brown and gives the tank a natural look, which is great if Amazon species are housed. Tannins also create healthy conditions in the aquarium, as they deter the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungus. Driftwood which has been exposed to sandblasting by wind or erosion by water has a ribbed appearance and possesses many hollows. This wood creates attractive focal points, around which aquatic plants can be grown. Select plants can be grown on the wood as well. The substrate in these aquariums must comprise highly mineralized soil.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium
  • Driftwood
  • Three pounds of top soil per square foot of aquarium floor
  • 10-gallon plastic container
  • Large, shallow plastic tray
  • One quarter pound of clay per square foot of aquarium floor
  • Half cup of potash
  • Half cup of dolomite
  • Fishing line
  • Assorted aquatic plants, including moss
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  1. Preparing the Soil

    • 1

      Place three pounds of topsoil into a 10-gallon plastic container and add sufficient water to cover the soil. This quantity of top soil will be required per square foot of tank bottom.

    • 2

      Break up any lumps and ensure that the soil has mixed thoroughly with the water.

    • 3

      Pour off the water after 48 hours.

    • 4

      Add fresh water to the container and allow it to stand for a further two days.

    • 5

      Place a large, shallow plastic tray in the sun and pour the moist soil into this. Spread the soil out thinly.

    • 6

      Leave the soil to dry for a further 48 hours.

    • 7

      Pour the dry soil back into the container and cover with water.

    • 8

      Repeat Steps Three through to Six another three times.

    • 9

      Add water to the soil once again and thoroughly mix in a quarter pound of clay.

    • 10

      Mix in a half cup of both potash and dolomite.

    Setting up the Aquarium

    • 11

      Add the soil mixture to the aquarium. Ensure you have a depth of at least 1 inch.

    • 12

      Cover the soil mixture with gravel to a depth of 2-inches at the back of the tank. Slope the gravel gently to the front glass pane.

    • 13

      Fill the aquarium halfway with water.

    • 14

      Place a number of pieces of aquatic moss onto the driftwood and secure these with fishing line.

    • 15

      Position the driftwood in the aquarium.

    • 16

      Use your finger to make a number of depressions in the gravel, around the pieces of driftwood.

    • 17

      Plant your aquatic plants in these depressions. Ensure that the roots are pushed into the mineralized top soil layer and cover them with gravel.

    • 18

      Fill the aquarium with water and add the filters and heater.