Aquarium Set-Up Ideas

Setting up an aquarium and keeping fish as a hobby can be very rewarding. It can also lower stress levels and improve the quality of an individual's life. For people new to aquariums, there is a bit of research and planning needed prior to setting up an aquarium. For a small, tabletop tank that will only hold a few fish, the preparations are minimal, but for larger tanks that will hold a variety of fish species, knowledge and planning are essential for fish survival. It can take a couple of months to set up an aquarium and introduce the fish into it, but with routine maintenance and proper care, the fish will thrive. For anyone unsure of how to begin, there are a few ideas on how to get started.
  1. Size

    • The size of a tank will dictate how many fish can live inside it as well as the general size of the fish. Purchasing the largest tank (up to 55 gallons) that budget will allow is an ideal way to start. It is easier to regulate temperature and water conditions in larger tanks and more freedom is available with fish selection.

    Fish Type

    • If one wishes to keep a specific type of fish, this will dictate the aquarium set-up that is needed. Research the conditions required for a specific species, then build a tank to those specifications. To add additional species to the same tank, enquire at a pet store or research the types of fish that can cohabitate with the selected fish. Keep in mind that the size of the tank will still determine how many total fish can survive in the aquarium.

    Fish Quantity

    • Knowing the quantity of fish that will go into an aquarium will determine the tank size and equipment needed. Getting a tank slightly larger than needed ensures the fish have enough room and adequate oxygen. Consider the quantity of all fish species that will be in the tank to make sure the tank is large enough.


    • Large tanks hold a lot of water and are very heavy. Once a large tank is set up, it is incredibly difficult to move. Starting with a location allows one to take measurements and make sure the tank and equipment fit in the desired space. Due to the weight and potential leakage problems, aquariums should be placed on bases designed for this purpose. After determining the size of the tank that will fit in the location, fish species and quantities can be determined.


    • Keeping fish can turn into an expensive hobby. The initial investment can be quite hefty for larger tanks with exotic species. A good way to determine what type of aquarium to purchase is to determine how much money can be allotted, then pricing the required equipment, fish, food and supplies. It is smart to budget for extra fish because some will die off while cycling the tank and if tank conditions are not optimal.

    Basic Essentials

    • There are many basic essentials that you mustn't forget about. You'll want to start with freshwater aquarium that has an undergravel filter plate at the back of the tank. You'll also want to implement proper airline tubing that connects to the filter. Depending on what type of fish you include in your aquarium, you'll need to control the algae levels by balancing the pH level, or by adding algae eaters into your fish tank.