Recommended Live Plants for a Discus Aquarium

Discus are widely known as being one of the most beautiful freshwater fish available. Discus require much more water maintenance and overall aquarium balance than most other freshwater fish. By providing live plants a discus aquarium will not only be more realistic, but also keep the environment more sustainable. Live plants are found in the natural habitat of discus and provide a chemical filter for the aquarium to keep them happy and healthy.
  1. Echinodorus

    • The Echinodorus family of live plants are native to the Amazon basin where discus originate from. These plants come in a variety of sizes and shapes and can create a realistic environment for discus. Some good choices from the Echinodorus family are the bleheri, amazonicus, major and cordifolius. The bleheri is a larger plant that can grow to about 2 feet (.6m) in length and take up a good amount of space in the tank. This family of plants make for great centerpieces or foreground plants that equalize water conditions and provide good spawning areas for discus.


    • The Anubia family of plants originate from Africa. These are very sturdy plants that provide similar characteristics to the Echinodorus family, although they are not from the discus' typical origin. Anubias do not require a large amount of maintenance and can thrive in lower levels of light. Anubias barteri tend to have leaves around 6 inches (15.2cm) long. Afzelli and Congensis variants are suitable for aquariums that are taller, as they look similar to Echinodorus bleheri.


    • Plants from the Crytocoryne family are a great accent to any discus tank. Crytocoryne wendtii and blassi in particular have strong vertical shapes and varying dark colors that are pleasing to the eye. They also have varying leaf shapes and sizes ranging from small to very tall and thin. Live plants from this family are great additions to the discus aquarium and provide a natural environment without too much maintenance.


    • The Ammania gracilus and Ammania senegalensis are two live plants from this family that work very well in a discus tank. They tend to grow at a relatively slow pace and come with a varying red accent to compliment the green leaves. Being slow growers, they yield low levels of maintenance and provide a great way to provide a natural environment for discus.