Choose Your Aquarium Style
Castles add a touch of whimsy to an aquarium's decor. Most aquarium owners settle on one of two basic design styles--natural or artificial. A natural theme mimics a fish's environment and features earth-toned gravel accented by larger stones, sponges, shells, coral, and real or artificial plants. An artificial theme features brightly colored gravel accented by miniature castles, statues, and other thematic decorations like sunken ships, treasure tests, or animated divers.
Choose a Focal Point
Identify the focal point of your aquarium. The focal point will be the biggest, most eye-catching element and is typically placed in the center of the layout. This could be a stack of rocks or a piece of driftwood for a nature theme or a large castle or sculpture for an artificial theme. All of the other elements of your design must frame and complement the focal point.
Artificial Versus Live Plants
Combine plants and structural elements for a natural decorative fusion. For a natural environment, consider live aquatic plants. Pet store chains stock an array of leafy plants that thrive underwater. The downside? Fish like nibbling on aquatic plants and can quickly consume your carefully manicured foliage. Aquatic plants require patience and you might have to replace a few when your fish turn them into lunch.
Plastic plants offer a convenient, low-maintenance alternative. Visit your local pet store for plants in different styles, sizes, and colors that mimic live plants so closely, one can hardly tell the difference. Plastic plants remain fresh and green forever and won't end up as snacks for your fish.
Don't Use Too Many Accessories
The accessories in your aquarium should complement your focal point. They shouldn't be distractions. For example, a natural decor with a piece of granite for the centerpiece needs only a few plants of varying sizes for a clean, elegant look. With an artificial decorative style, pick a theme and stick with it. If your focal point is a large castle, a small selection of plants and matching structural elements like columns or a miniature bridge pulls everything together. Use animated features operated by a bubble tube sparingly. More than one of these attention-grabbing devices will turn your tank into a confusing, cluttered mess.
Don't Forget the Back
External water filters and cords from hood lights and heaters crossing the back of the tank can easily distract from the main decor inside. Most pet shops stock a selection of laminated paper sheets that feature realistic photos of underwater scenes.Simply affix one of these sheets to the back of your aquarium and make those unsightly cords and tubes disappear. Alternatively, plain or lightly patterned wrapping paper can be used to create a simple backdrop for your underwater masterpiece.
Fish Aquarium Ideas
Designing an aquarium can be as much fun as choosing the fish to house within it. From the color of the gravel to the decorative sculptures, from the sunken pirate's treasure to the plastic plants, all aspects of aquarium design offer a chance to express your own personal style. Whether you prefer a simple, naturalistic design or a bright, whimsical decor, there are products on the market to satisfy your vision.