How to Trim the Anacharis

Aquarium hobbyists wishing to recreate a body of fresh water for their aquatic pets will build up a planted aquarium. Wildly colored plastic just doesn't compare to the stunning natural beauty of a carefully (or even haphazardly) arranged planted tank. One widely used plant in such aquariums is anacharis, a common name for the plants of the genus Elodea. It is a hardy, fast-growing plant, perfect for any aquarium. Maintaining the anacharis will keep the plant from overrunning your aquatic landscape.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquatic plant scissors
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      Run your hands under cold water.

      Do not use hand soap. Soap residue can harm your fish if introduced to the tank water. Dry your hands with a clean towel.

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      Remove large growths of anacharis from your aquarium.

      Trimming the plant outside of your tank will not stress your fish as much as moving your hands about in the water. Keep the plant over a towel so you do not drip everywhere.

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      Cut the tops of the plant off with your aquatic plant scissors.

      Discard the bottom of the plant in the garbage or on the compost heap.

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      Return the tops to your tank's gravel substrate. The tops will root and grow.