How to Breed Algae Eating Shrimp

Algae-eating shrimp, better known as Amano shrimp, were first introduced into the aquarium hobby market by Japanese aquarium enthusiast Takashi Amano. Their popularity and algae eating ability have led many aquarists to keep and attempt to breed them. While they are not the most delicate invertebrate, they are surprisingly difficult to breed, especially compared to the cheaper and more common ghost shrimp. With a little knowledge, the process of spawning and rearing these shrimps becomes less intimidating.

Things You'll Need

  • 40-gallon breeder tank
  • Hornwort or similar aquarium plant
  • Shrimp food pellets, algae wafers
  • 2.5 gallon rearing tank
  • Aquarium salt (or sea salt, rock salt, or kosher salt)
  • Hydrometer
  • Sponge filter
  • Aquarium heater
  • Thermometer
  • Tetraselmis algae (available from biological supply companies online)
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      Care for the adults.

      Under the right conditions they will spawn on their own. The adults should be kept in a freshwater aquarium with a pH around 7, a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and lots of food and cover, like Hornwort.

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      Set up the breeding tank.

      It should be 2.5-5 gallons in capacity, with a salinity of 35 ppt (full-strength saltwater), and be pea-green with floating Tetraselmis algae. Maintain the temperature around 70 degrees Fahrenheit with constant lighting. A sponge filter provides light aeration .

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      Transfer pregnant females to the breeding tank.

      Females carry the eggs under their tails. Scoop them up with a net and put them in the breeding tank.

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      Remove the females once they have released their eggs.

      Adult females will eat the larvae if you leave them in the breeding tank.

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      Monitor the larvae.

      In 20 days, they will morph into the post larvae stage and begin to look and act like adult shrimp, but smaller. In six months, they will be adults. At this stage, they can be added to the adult tank.