What Kind of Weeds Do People Use for Aquarium Tanks?

Aquarium plants are not just used for their aesthetic look--they also make an aquarium healthier. These plants or aquatic weeds create a stable and balanced environment in fresh water aquariums. Aquatic plants utilize the metabolic waste of fishes and remove toxic carbon dioxide from the water. They also produce oxygen, which is essential to the life process of fish. Hobbyists can fortunately choose from a large variety of aquatic plants for their tanks.
  1. Amazon Sword

    • This is a moderately difficult fresh water plant to grow. The Amazon sword, which is native to Brazil, requires a rich substrate and strong lighting. These plants can either be planted in the aquarium substrate or can be placed into plastic aquarium plant pots. Amazon swords fortunately take root easily, especially if they are left in the pot in which they arrived. This attractive plant has a sizable root system that will overwhelm plants in the near vicinity.

    Narrow Leaf Sagittaria

    • The narrow leaf sagittaria is a hardy fresh water plant that will thrive in aquariums. This attractive green plant typically grows quickly and can reach a height of 8 inches if correctly cared for. Aquarists can propagate the narrow leaf sagittaria via runners. These runners form a dense grouping that produces leaves on a regular basis. The narrow leaf sagittaria requires iron in the substrate in which it is planted, but is less dependent on lighting. This plant, which originated in South America, is tolerant of most water conditions and will accept water with wide pH and hardness values.

    Giant Mother Plant

    • This aquarium plant from Southeast Asia is fairly difficulty to grow. The giant mother plant requires fertilization, but may still go through a die-off period when first planted. The giant mother plant spreads its roots very far, so can be disruptive to plants with less aggressive root systems in the near vicinity. This aquatic plant is able to tolerate a wide variances in water parameters, including pH, hardness and temperature. The giant mother plant will also tolerate various light conditions.

    Water Sprite

    • The water sprite, which originates in tropical regions around the globe, is an easy plant to grow. This aquatic plant will thrive in both moderate and high light conditions, but will continue to grow in poor light. The water sprite will root in normal aquarium gravel and does not need fertilizer. This plant grows quickly in well-managed systems and will need regular trimming.