How to Drill a Hole in a Ten Gallon Aquarium

Large aquariums often need to be altered to add additional plumbing fixtures and this requires drilling a hole in the glass. Glass drilling is a little more dangerous and harder to do than drilling into something such as wood. Several safety precautions must be followed in order to complete the task without breaking the glass.

Things You'll Need

  • Safety glasses
  • Power drill
  • Glass drill bit (diamond edged)
  • Water
  • Plumber's putty
  • Drill guide
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    • 1

      Empty the aquarium. Place the aquarium on a level surface with a towel underneath so it will not slide or scrape the table or the glass surface.

    • 2

      Mold the plumber's putty into a circle around the area to be drilled. Make sure there are no holes, or the water will leak out.

    • 3

      Set up the drill guide into the spot where the hole will be drilled.

    • 4

      Attach the glass drill bit to the drill guide and mount the power drill to the opposite side of the drill guide.

    • 5

      Pour water into the circular area around the drill guide. The plumber's putty will keep the water in place, preventing the drill from building up too much friction and cracking the glass. Use approximately 1/2 cup of water.

    • 6

      Begin to drill the hole into the glass side of the aquarium. Be sure to start the drill above the glass and slowly work down. If the water leaks out, add more. Drill for 15 seconds, then come up and start over until the hole is completely drilled.