Things You'll Need
- 320 and 400 grit wet/dry sandpaper
- 3-inch by 4-inch sheets of 1800, 2400, 3200, 4000, 6000, 8000 grit abrasive sandpaper
- 3-inch by 4-inch foam sanding block
- Flannel cloth
General Facts
Transfer fish to a holding tank and drain the water from the aquarium. Sanding residue could be toxic to some fish.
Begin with the lightest possible abrasive. Use either 4000 or 6000 grit sandpaper for very fine scratches. Use 2400 or 3200 for hairline scratches and light scuffs. Use 1800 or 400 grit sandpaper for fine scratches. For deep scratches begin with 320 wet/dry sandpaper.
Change sanding directions 90-degrees when changing abrasive grades of sandpaper.
Scratch Removal
Wrap the appropriate sandpaper around the foam sanding block.
Sand the scratched area with a straight-line motion only. Do not use a circular motion. Maintain firm pressure on the block and keep the surface free of dust. Do not try to remove single scratches at a time -- each sanding pattern should be at least four inches to six inches in size.
Evaluate the results after a few minutes. If progress is too slow and scratches remain, move to the next coarser grit of paper. After a few minutes, evaluate again and if necessary advance to a coarser grit.
Sand until the scratches are removed and finish the surface with 400 grit wet/dry sandpaper.
Wrap the 1800 grit abrasive paper around the foam block. Work the damaged area with a straight-line motion. Do not use a circular motion. Continue working until the sanding pattern of the 400 grit sandpaper is removed from the surface.
Wrap the 2400 grit abrasive paper around the foam block. Sand gently at a right angle to the 1800 pattern. Remove all of the 1800 pattern from the surface before continuing.
Wrap the 3200 grit abrasive paper around the foam block. Sand gently at a right angle to the 2400 pattern.
Continue this process, advancing through the 4000, 6000 and 8000 grit abrasive paper until you are satisfied with the polished appearance of the surface.
Clean the surface carefully with a soft cloth after you are finished sanding.