Choosing a fish
Goldfish make good pets for children. There are several types of fish that are perfect for children. Guppies are easy to care for and can tolerate living in a small tank. They are very active, colorful creatures that prefer the company of other fish. Guppies can be put into a tank with other types of small fish like tetras, mollies and platies.
Goldfish are another great kid's fish. They are inexpensive and thrive in cold water so you don't need to have a heater in the tank. They can grow to be 12 inches long so the fish require a fairly large aquarium. There are a variety of goldfish species to choose from including the common goldfish, comet goldfish and bubble eyed goldfish.
The Aquarium
Aquariums come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are a variety of aquariums available for your child's new pet that range from complex units with a variety of filters to simple glass bowls. The kind of unit you purchase depends upon the type of fish that will live in it as well as how much room you have in your home for the unit.
Regardless of the type of tank you choose, there are a few things to keep in mind when you set it up. Keep the tank out of direct sunlight to preclude the growth of algae and prevent the water from becoming too warm. Place the aquarium on a level surface to ensure it doesn't slip off or crack, and place the tank away from heating and air conditioning units to prevent extreme water temperature fluctuations.
Fish Care
Kids need to learn not to overfeed their fish. Fish require minimal care but it is very important that children learn the appropriate way to maintain their new pet and its environment. Children need to be taught what to feed their fish as well as how much and how often to feed it. They also need to be shown how to clean their aquarium and how to maintain the tank's environment. It's also important that children are shown the proper way to introduce a new fish into their aquarium to ensure it won't go into shock and die.
The Benefits of Having a Fish for a Pet
Fishy pet Children receive many benefits from having fish for pets. Fish are natural stress reducers and watching them swim around their tanks can help children relax and focus. Fish provide tremendous educational experiences and raising them can foster a interest in science and biology in their young caregivers, and the satisfaction that kids receive from successfully caring for another living thing has tremendous benefits for a child's self esteem.
Fish As Pets for Kids
Caring for a pet is a excellent way for children to learn responsibility and compassion. Fish make great first pets for kids because they are quiet, relatively easy to care for, aren't very expensive, don't take up much space and don't make the messes that other pets can make. Before you rush out to your local pet store to purchase a fish for your child, consider the best type of fish to choose, the type of aquarium to purchase and the amount of care and maintenance your child's new pet will require.