Things You'll Need
- Daylight fluorescent lights or full-spectrum fluorescent lights
- Hood lamp
Calculate how many lights you need for your planted aquarium. This will be based on the types of plants you have and their light needs. Plants that need low light can get by on 1 watt per gallon. Plants that need medium light need about 2 watts per gallon, and plants that need high light need 3 to 4 watts per gallon. Plants that need low to medium light levels are Anubias, Cryptocoryne, Amazon swords, Java Ferns and Java Moss. Plants that need high light are Aponogeton, Indian fern, Crinum, Waterweed, Water wisteria, Giant/green/Indian Hygrophila, Lilaeopsis, Limnophila, Ludwigia, Myriophyllum, Nesaea, Water lilies, Pogostemon, Rotala, Sagittaria and Vallisneria. Plants that need very high light, at least 4 bulbs, are: Bacopa, Cabomba,
Rotala macrandra, Glossostigma and Hemianthus.
Purchase florescent tubes that will fit over your aquarium.
Insert the tubes into the hood lamp. Click them in place, then put the hood lamp over the planted aquarium. Plug the hood lamp in. Keep the hood lamp on for 10 to 12 hours a day to provide enough light for the plants.