Tips on the Best Fish for a Small Aquarium

A small aquarium requires special attention to certain details in order to ensure optimum satisfaction for you and the health for your fish. Determining the different species to use is the main priority, though the number of fish you keep is also very important. For instance, while three goldfish by themselves in a 30 gallon tank may be fine, 12 would be too many and produce a lot of waste.
  1. Size and Amount

    • When the size of the aquarium is an issue, so is the size of the fish within it. The size of the fish directly correlates to the amount of fish. If you've got a 30 gallon tank and want relatively large fish, it's best to stick to just two or three. Even then, many larger fish prefer plenty of space to roam, which your small aquarium may not provide. Regardless of the size, it's important to limit the amount of fish you keep. Overcrowding can cause stress among fish, even for peaceful species that get along with the other fish in the tank.

    Resilience and Waste

    • In a small aquarium, it's important to choose hardy, resilient fish species. Waste builds up much quicker in smaller aquariums than larger ones, especially when you have many fish. Choosing adaptable fish that can handle dirty water helps protect them until you have time to clean the aquarium. Similarly, disease can spread quicker in smaller tanks where the fish are constantly in contact with one another. If your fish are weak and easily affected by disease, you risk damaging the entire population.

    Schooling Fish and Algae Eaters

    • It becomes acceptable to get larger quantities of fish if you use small schooling species and stick to just a few varieties. advises that a small school of Zebra Danios can provide more lively activity and entertainment than a few larger fish. Including a couple algae eating fish like the Bristlenose catfish make maintenance easier with schools of fish, as they eat the algae buildup on the tank and prevent the need to clean it as frequently.


    • In a small fish tank, it's extremely important to ensure you choose peaceful fish species and ones known to get along with each other. With a small space that may not have many hiding spots or room for individual space, fish that do well with others, like danios and tetras, prove ideal candidates. Pet and fish stores often have descriptions of the fish by the tank that inform whether the fish is peaceful or aggressive towards certain species. Don't put any predatory fish in with species they're known to eat or any fish small enough to fit into their mouths.