The Disposal of Aquarium Gravel

Colored aquarium gravel is an attractive addition for your aquarium. However, over time, it can also become a messy one. Fish droppings and old food get lodged and mixed in with it; it also can become a breeding ground for algae. It's a good idea to completely change out and dispose of aquarium rocks at least once a year. However, when you do so it is important to be careful not to disrupt the balance of your aquarium's ecosystem too badly, so as not to place undue stress on your fish.

Things You'll Need

  • Small holding tank or aquarium
  • Measuring cup or pitcher
  • Scoop net
  • Plastic baggies
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    • 1

      Dip a measuring cup or pitcher into the aquarium you will be removing the gravel from and scoop out enough water to completely fill up the holding tank or aquarium. Ideal holding tank size is at least five gallons. Unplug your aquarium pump for the time being.

    • 2

      Use your scoop net to catch all your fish and place them in the holding tank.

    • 3

      Scoop out all the old gravel from your aquarium. Place the old rocks into plastic sealed storage baggies. Do this until you have removed all the old gravel.

    • 4

      Add fresh gravel to your aquarium. Add approximately 1 lb. of gravel per gallon for your tank. Allow 20 minutes for it to settle and then use a scoop net to remove excess food or waste.

    • 5

      Add your fish along with the water from your holding tank back into your aquarium and then turn your filter pump back on.

    • 6

      Either throw out the old gravel you have stored in the baggies or recycle it in some manner, like adding it to a rock or gravel garden.