Things You'll Need
- Salt
- Water (distilled or drinking)
- Hydrometer
- Bucket(s)
Purchase enough Walmart drinking water to fill the aquarium. Open the water bottles and pour them into an open container like a bucket (not the aquarium.) Let the water sit for one to two days. The chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine should evaporate in that time. Once the time has elapsed, add salt to the water. Use a hydrometer to detect salt levels in the water. The salt levels should be between 1.020 and 1.023.
Purchase enough Walmart distilled water to fill the aquarium. Add salt to the water. Use a hydrometer to detect salt levels in the water. The salt levels should be between 1.020 and 1.023.
Pour the water into the aquarium that does not contain fish. Start the pump(s) and heater. Wait for the aquarium to get to the ideal temperature before adding the fish.