Things You'll Need
- Large container
- Bucket
- Sponge
- Plastic blade
- Towels
- Ventilated room
- Face mask
- Rags
- Acrylic adhesive
- Small brush
Salvage as much water as possible from your cracked aquarium using a bucket, and transfer it to your temporary tank or large container. Tropical fish need as much of their environmental conditions preserved as possible. Set up the heater and filter in the temporary container and monitor them and the water temperature throughout. Remove your fish from the cracked aquarium and place them in the temporary container.
Move your aquarium to a well-ventilated room or preferably outside. Clean the aquarium well with water and a sponge. Use a plastic blade or credit card to remove any stubborn algae or debris. Be careful not to scratch the aquarium. The use of chemical cleaners is not recommended because residue from this can harm your fish. Use a tank cleaner from your local pet store if water is not sufficient. Dry your tank well with towels.
Put on your face mask to ensure you do not inhale fumes. Use an acrylic adhesive such as Weld-On 3 to fill the crack. This substance fills cracks quite easily because it is runny. Take a small brush and carefully apply it to the crack ensuring that it runs inside. Quickly wipe the excess adhesive away with an old rag before it starts to set. Repeat this process approaching the crack from the other side of the acrylic if possible.
Leave your tank in the ventilated area for at least 24 hours. The longer you leave it, the stronger the bond. Monitor your temporary aquarium setup to ensure that your fish are safe during this time. Refill the mended aquarium when the adhesive has set and put the fish back in their home.