Consider the tank size -- the type and size of the fish -- and your availability to maintain the the filtration system, when choosing a filter. Aquarium filters require maintenance: If you have limited time to spend on the aquarium, it is best to go with a simpler system.
Review your options. The most popular filters are under-gravel, canister and external. These power filters hang on the tank. All three require regular maintenance, but many people do not understand how to properly maintain an under-gravel filter. Under-gravel filters function to aerate and circulate the water volume through the filtration plates that rest beneath the gravel's surface.
Discuss the different types of filtration, with your local pet shop representative. Ideally, you'd want to choose a filter that is strong in biological, mechanical and chemical filtration. Biological filtration fosters ammonia-neutralizing bacteria growth -- which breaks down ammonia into less toxic compounds -- and promotes the health of your aquarium. Mechanical filtration filters waste before it decays: While chemical filtration removes dissolved waste from the water.
Consider a box filter for smaller aquariums; and power, or canister filters for larger aquariums. Box filters are placed in the corner of the tank. Their main drawback is that many people find them visually unpleasant to look at. A power filter hangs on the back of the tank, and canister filters can sit on the floor below the tank, or hang on the tank wall. Similar to the undergravel filtration system, they also promote healthy circulation, and have more efficient mechanical and chemical filters.
Stay away from dual filtration methods, as each system will compete with the other. It's best just to choose one and stick with it.
How to Pick an Aquarium Filter
Having an aquarium in the home is both aesthetically pleasing and a conversation starter. Maintaining the aquarium, and caring for the fish, requires a bit of research and a financial investment. Choosing the right filter for the aquarium is important, to keep the tank free of toxins, and to promote the health of marine the life. There are many things to consider when choosing the best filter for your tank.