How to Reduce Algae Growth

Algae can be quite a pest. These green, slimy organisms coat the decorations, the gravel, and even the walls of the aquarium. While it's true that algae growth is a sign of a healthy aquarium, many aquarists will insist on getting rid of as much of it as they can. Reducing the algae in your aquarium is not difficult: It is simply a matter of patience and persistence.

Things You'll Need

  • Metal scraper
  • Algae-eating fish
  • Algae scrubber
  • Bucket
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      Scrape the algae off the sides of the tank using a metal scraper. This works great for the thicker, stringy algae known as "hair" algae.

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      Scrub off any stubborn algae with a specialized algae scrub. This pad is very abrasive. You can also use it on the decorations.

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      Reduce the lighting in the aquarium. The brighter the tank, the more algae will grow. Try moving your aquarium away from direct light; or turn off the lights an hour earlier each day.

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      Introduce an algae-eating fish like an otto cat or a plecostimus. These fish thrive on algae and can help keep your tank clean.

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      Perform regular water changes. Change about 20 percent of the water once a week.