How to Remove Algae in Aquariums

Excessive algae growth can make even the most expensive aquarium setup look unkempt and unattractive. Keeping that unwanted algae at bay requires a combination approach, including regular tank maintenance, proper placement of the aquarium and some scraping and hand removal of algae that remains a problem. Taking this multifaceted approach to algae growth is the best way to keep your tank looking great year after year.

Things You'll Need

  • Magnetic algae scraper
  • Algae destroyer
  • Live plants
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      Stock your tank with a few algae eaters. These fish love to munch on algae, and they will happily run up and down the glass removing any accumulated algae.

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      Scrape any remaining algae off the glass with a magnetic algae scraper. These scrapers are available at many pet stores, and they consist of a small scraping blade with a strong magnet built in. The other part of the scraper is also a magnet, with a handle attached to make scraping the algae faster and easier. You simply place the scraper side inside the tank, leave the handle side outside the tank and move the scraper up and down the glass until the algae is removed. It can take a few passes to remove heavy algae growth from the tank.

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      Plant some live plants in your tank to retard the growth of algae. Live plants compete with algae for the available nutrients in the water, and that can stop algae growth from the start. Crystalwort and Java Ferns are particularly good choices for retarding the growth of algae, but just about any live plant will help control an algae problem.

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      Place a few drops of algae destroying chemicals in the water to break up the algae and send it out through the filter. Use only chemicals purchased from the pet store and designed specifically to remove algae, and add only the amount specified on the label.

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      Check your filter frequently and remove any algae growth you find there. Change your filter cartridge once a month to keep it functioning properly and allow it to remove algae from the water.