How to Get Rid of Algae

If you have a fish tank, you will almost certainly be confronted with the problem of algae growth in the tank. This growth is usually not dangerous to your fish. In fact, it is even beneficial in that it produces oxygen. Nevertheless, algae is unattractive and makes it difficult to enjoy your fish through the green goop. The problem is that it is virtually impossible to get rid of algae entirely. The best you can do is reduce the problem. But this requires that you be proactive, reducing the factors that help support algae.


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      Limit the amount of food that you give to your fish. Give them no more than they actually need, since the uneaten food will help promote algae growth.

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      Perform regular maintenance on the tank, changing the water in the tank on a regular basis, even if you have mechanical filtration. Thoroughly clean all the parts while you have the tank empty.

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      Reduce the number of lights on your tank to the minimum you need, since light promotes algae growth. Turn off the lights at night.