Wet & Dry Filter Systems

A wet and dry filter, or trickle filter, is a type of water filter mainly used for fish tanks. It utilizes a tall biological filter media; dirty water is placed on top of the filter and is cleaned as it "trickles" through to the bottom.
  1. Tank Overflow

    • The filter tower is not held in the main tank, and resides in a separate sub tank. Dirty water exits the main tank by the way of an overflow -- a mechanism that allows water to flow out of the tank after it exceeds a certain height. This water is then collected by a drain system and pumped to the wet/dry filter.


    • Dirty water enters the filtration system by being spread on top of a tall biological filter media, and is pushed down by gravity. While going through the filter, the water is enriched with oxygen by the free moving air in the tower. Nitrifying bacteria thrive in this oxygen rich environment and provide biological filtration.

    Sump Pump

    • The clean water exits the filter through the bottom and is collected in a sub tank. This water is then pumped to the main tank via a sump pump, and the newly introduced water causes the water level of the main tank to rise. The rise in water level causes dirty water to exit through the overflow, and the filtration process is repeated continuously.