What Is a Three Stage Fish Filter?

Fish living in tanks need a good filtration system for their survival. A three-stage system incorporates mechanical, biological and chemical filtration. By using all three, you will add health and longevity to the lives of your fish.
  1. What Filters Do

    • Fish tank filters remove impurities such as chlorine, toxins such as nitrite and waste products produced by the fish, such as uneaten food and feces.

    Mechanical Filtration

    • This is the first stage of filtering. Vacuuming the gravel at the bottom of the tank is a method of mechanical filtration; another is to install an electric filter that uses a sponge or floss to remove particles.

    Biological Filtration

    • Beneficial bacteria living in the tank can naturally break down toxins in the aquarium. Filtering media such as ceramic rings placed inside a special canister provide biological filtration by giving beneficial bacteria a surface on which to thrive.

    Chemical Filtration

    • The most common media in this category is carbon. It will remove harmful chemicals that are found in tap water; chemicals such as chlorine and copper.

    Additional Information

    • Keeping fish healthy requires regular intervention. You will need to periodically clean or replace filtration media.