Information on Wonder Shells

Wonder Shells are seashell-shaped mineral blocks that add a decorative element to aquariums while helping aquarium fish and other water creatures stay healthy by adding minerals and electrolytes to the water. Medicated shells are available to deal with problems like fungus.
  1. Minerals

    • Regular Wonder Shells contain minerals that are found in the ocean, like magnesium sulfate, sulfate, sodium, chloride, bromide, potassium, bicarbonate, strontium and more. The minerals in the Wonder Shells are in the same ratio as in the ocean, save for calcium carbonate.

    Calcium Carbonate

    • Regular Wonder Shells also contain calcium carbonate, which can help prevent illnesses like molly disease in fish. The calcium carbonate provides calcium needed for shell growth in turtles and shellfish.

    Other Benefits

    • In addition to adding calcium and minerals, Wonder Shells oxygenate and aerate the water to help keep it healthy. They can also reduce the effect of the acids in the aquarium environment that result from typical biological processes.

    Medicated Wonder Shells

    • Medicated Wonder Shells are used to treat aquarium problems like ich and fungus. While in use, the shell provides a constant flow of medication to the aquarium environment.