How to Arrange African Cichlid Rocks for Territory

Cichlids are freshwater fish found in tropical regions throughout the world. However, many that are kept as pets originate from Africa. There are more than 900 African cichlid species that display varying degrees of aggressiveness and territorial tendencies. Though cichlids are popular among aquarium hobbyists, owners of these fascinating fish must provide tank conditions with their potentially-aggressive behaviors in mind. Creating an aquarium substrate with adequate hiding places is vital for cichlids to thrive and reproduce. Because cichlids can be disruptive to aquarium decor, rocks arranged to create safe hiding places make an ideal cichlid substrate.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium
  • Small aquarium stones
  • Large aquarium rocks
  • Water
  • Scrub brush
  • Aquarium silicon (optional)
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  1. Arranging Rocks in Your Cichlid Tank

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      Select a variety of sizes of rocks for your cichlid tank. Though you can use some found in streams and other outdoor environments, it is important to make sure they are substantial and do not flake or crumble. Igneous rocks such as granite and marble are good choices. You can also find a wide variety of aquarium stones and rocks at pet and retail stores that are approved for use in fish tanks.

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      Clean the stones and rocks that you will be using in your cichlid tank. If you purchase your rocks that are specifically for use in aquariums, you can simply rinse them with warm water. If you find rocks in nature, wash and clean them with a scrub brush, then allow them to soak in a container of water overnight. Rinse them prior to putting them in your tank.

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      Add your stones and rocks to your aquarium. If you are using small and large stones, put the small stones in first, layering them on the bottom on your tank. A depth of 2 inches (5 cm) is ideal because cichlids like to dig around in the bottom of their environments. Add the large rocks once you have covered the bottom of your tank with the smaller stones.

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      Organize the large rocks for optimal hiding places. Stack them throughout the tank so that there are crevices and caves for your cichlids to hide. Place the largest rocks on the bottom of each formation to create a strong foundation. If your cichlids are avid diggers, glue your rocks together with aquarium silicone after you decide how you will arrange them, then place the glued rock formations in your tank..

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      Check the rocks in your cichlid tank regularly to make sure they do not become displaced. Re-stack and arrange them as needed.