How to Build Composite Tanks for Aquaculture

Composite tanks comprise a single long aquarium that has been divided into a number of compartments. In this way, fish can be separated from each on the basis of size or species. In aquaculture, fish of different ages are separated in order to prevent aggression or cannibalism. Fish are also separated from each other during diet experiments or in an attempt to establish a pair bond, without exposing them to interference from other individuals in the group. In most cases, this separation need only involve physical barriers, leaving the fish to use common water and filtration.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium, 48-inches long by 16-inches wide by 18-inches high, with 0.31-inch thick glass
  • Three panes of glass, 15.9-inch by 18-inch and 0.31-inch thick, each with a 1.5-inch pre-cut hole in the middle of the pane
  • 10 fl. oz tube of non-toxic, 100 percent silicone
  • Strip of plastic gauze, 6 inches by 6 inches
  • Emery paper
  • Masking tape
  • Small bottle acetone
  • Clean cloth
  • Three thick towels
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    • 1

      Place the aquarium on smooth work surface. Cut the emery paper into strips. Use it to sand the edges of each pane of glass.

    • 2

      Dip the cloth into acetone and wipe the edge of each pieces of glass to remove oils from the glass cutter and any residual dust from the emery paper.

    • 3

      Lay the three panes of glass on the towels, on a work bench. Cut the strip of plastic gauze into three 2-inch-by-2-inch pieces.

    • 4

      Squeeze a thin bead of silicone around the edge of the 1.5-inch diameter hole in the middle of the first pane of glass.

    • 5

      Place the first gauze strip over the 1.5-inch diameter hole in the first pane of glass and push it into the silicone. Let it cure for 24 hours. Repeat the process of adding silicone and gauze to the other two pieces of glass.

    • 6

      Measure a point 12 inches in from the right hand side of the aquarium. Make a mark both on the front and back panes of the aquarium. Measure and make another set of marks 12 inches away from the first mark and a third mark 12 inches away from the second mark.

    • 7

      Squeeze a continuous thin bead of silicone on one of the glass pieces along the side edges on both of the width sides. Place the glass carefully into the aquarium so that it lies across the width of the aquarium and creates a compartment on the right hand side. Run your finger over the silicone bead, where the first pane of glass is secured to the aquarium front and back panes to ensure a smooth seal.

    • 8

      Cut three strips of tape and use them to hold the first pane of glass in position, by taping the pane to the aquarium, on both front and back walls.

    • 9

      Apply silicone to the width sides of the second piece of glass and place it at the aquarium marks 12 inches away from the first piece of glass. Run a finger along the silicone to smooth it and tape the piece in the same way you set the first piece of glass. Repeat the steps with the third piece of glass, lining it up with the third set of marks you've made.

    • 10

      Leave the aquarium to cure for twenty four hours. Remove the tape. The fish can now be physically separated as required but are in the same filtered and heated water.