How to Build a Fish House Frame

Fish love having a place to hide in their tanks when people are staring in at them. A rock house is a great hiding place for all kinds of fish, big or small. Fish houses also are a great way for fish owners to creatively express themselves. Keep your rock house traditional and rustic or be crafty and paint or stencil it. However it is decorated, the fish will enjoy exploring their new rock house.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium-grade silicone sealant
  • Rocks and stones
  • Large pot
  • Stiff brush
  • Paint
  • Paint brush
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  1. Making Your Fish House Frame

    • 1

      Collect the rocks needed for the house. Purchase them at a local pet store or go out and find them from a creek or river. Make sure to choose some tall, flat and smooth rocks. You will need between three and seven rocks, depending on the size you want your frame to be.

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      Clean the rocks before putting them into the tank. Scrub them with the stiff brush and running water. Place the rocks in a pot of boiling water for 10 minutes.

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      Begin building the fish house. Gather two large rocks that are roughly the same size and height. Find another smaller rock to act as the roof for the house. Put the two large rocks on their sides and use a enough aquarium-grade silicone sealant to glue the smaller roof rock to the tops of the large rocks. Hold this in place for a few minutes to ensure adhesion. Add more rocks behind the others if you wish for the house to be larger.

    • 4

      Get creative. Paint your house frame vivid colors so it is noticed in the tank. Draw designs on the sides of the rocks to give onlookers something striking to view.

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      To create an enclosure, place the house against the side of the aquarium. Place the rock house in the middle of the tank to allow fish to swim through it.